Am I Being Guided by Intuition or My Ego?

Do you want to add intuition to your every day life? Our ego often wants to stay in charge of our daily activities. We may ask ourselves “Am I being guided by my intuition or my ego?” We need to make sure our information is coming from the right place.

Our ego has a place in how we relate to the world, but it can be a huge obstacle to following our intuition. When we follow our intuition, our lives are likely to be more successful, enjoyable and meaningful.

There are no definitive rules to make this distinction between ego and intuitive input. Keep these general principles in mind as you move forward with your intuitive exploration, and you will quickly learn the difference for yourself.

It’s not intuition if it comes from a place of fear or self-doubt.

If you decide to go to business school because you want financial security, that’s ego guiding you. If you want to go to business school because you love the field, that’s intuition guiding you.

Ego is guiding you if the message is loaded with emotion.

Intuition usually comes at us suddenly, as if from out of left field. Any emotion we feel related to an intuitive hit is our reaction to the signal. When we start to argue with ourselves about whether we are going to act upon the hit or not is our ego fighting back.

It’s not intuition if we are concerned about the results.

Are you writing a book so you can be a well-known author of a best seller? Are you writing that book because you want to share what you’ve learned with others? The first is ego, the second is intuition.

It’s not intuition if it involves considerations of being right or wrong.

A thought or decision that comes from your intuition is neutral and will feel calm, relaxed and peaceful. An idea that arises from your intuition is in alignment with Universal truth.

It’s not intuition if it tries to ‘justify’.

If you are using your logical mind to try and convince yourself of the benefits of a certain course of action, it’s probably your ego talking, and not your intuition. Your intuition will have a ‘rightness’ feel about it.

Your ego has a place in your decision-making process, and your ego believes it has your best interests at heart. The natural inclination of the ego is to avoid fear and discomfort and seek safety and comfort.

Our task is to learn to recognize when ego, when fear, is holding us back from something that could be a potential benefit or life-changer for us. Sometimes our ego keeps us from doing something foolish. But sometimes it is keeping us from our greatest good.

Here’s what you learned today:

  • Our ego is one of the biggest blocks to intuitive guidance.

  • We can learn to recognize when our ego is in charge and when it’s our intuition.

  • There are no definite rules to help make the distinction, but there are some things we can look out for.

  • Learning to follow our intuition can add meaning to our lives.

If you are ready to explore your intuitive side, connect with me here:

All original material posted to this site is (c)2002-2021, DLHT/Julia Marie. All rights reserved. Personal sharing with others or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:


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