What are the Intuitive Senses? How to Engage Them

We take our physical senses for granted, yet most of us don’t know we also have intuitive senses we can use to augment the input from our physical ones.

Intuition is not bound by physical limitations. It bypasses logic and reason, and goes straight to the truth of a situation, circumstance or person. Your intuition does not lie. Your intuition can help you make better, more well-rounded, more informed decisions, and will often answer a question before you can think to ask it.

When you were a child, did you have invisible companions only you could see?

Do you sometimes know what someone is going to say before they say it?

Have you ever had a gut feeling that turned out to be right?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you have had an intuitive experience. Intuition is NOT woo-woo. It is a natural part of your information processing system, just like your sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

We are all hard-wired to receive information through a complex system of physical and non-physical interactions. Children are more connected to this system, and most of us interacted more with the invisible side of life than the physical world when we were younger.

And then we’re told there’s no such thing as invisible friends, or noises in the night, or shadows by our bed as we are trying to drift off to sleep. By the time we start school, the invisible realm recedes into the background, and our attention shifts to the physical world and learning how to navigate it successfully.

You didn’t turn it off, you only turned the volume down.

Our intuition continues to function, like the background programs running on your computer. It’s there, doing its thing, but we don’t pay it much attention. Every so often, we’ll have an odd experience we can’t explain, or we get an intuitive flash or knowing and we immediately chalk it up to being ‘just our imagination’.

We ignore the input coming to us through the non-physical senses, but we might as well learn how to re-integrate our intuitive senses with our physical ones.

For every physical sense, you have a parallel non-physical one

Meet the “Clairs”.


Clear vision.

You have physical eyes through which you see the world around you. You have metaphysical (‘meta-‘ means beyond physical) sight, too. When you have images in your mind’s eye, either flashes of static images or it’s like a movie playing, that’s a clairvoyant experience.

Clairvoyance is the sense that people most often assume indicates an intuitive connection, or someone who is a ‘psychic’. This is a myth. Clairvoyance is actually the least common of the intuitive senses that’s naturally expressed.


This is the most reliable of the non-physical senses. Clear feeling is perceived through the entire physical body, but is centered in our gut, just below the rib cage.

Those butterflies in your stomach? That gut feeling you had that turned out to be right? Those are examples of your clairsentience at work for you.

Clear feeling can also come in the form of smelling fragrances with no physical cause like pipe tobacco in the home of a non-smoker, or roses when there aren’t any flowers in the room. Sometimes you might get a taste of something in your mouth when you haven’t eaten anything.

If you also find yourself thinking of someone connected with these sensations, it’s possible you are getting a wink from the other side to let you know your loved one is still around, checking in on you.


Clear hearing is the non-physical aspect of your physical auditory sense.

This sense is usually the least developed in most people. It comes to you as words dropping into your mind. You often hear song lyrics, or names, or even warnings that sound like a shout in your head.

The biggest challenge for most of us is that often the voice sounds like our own. We think we are just talking to ourselves. With practice, we can learn to trust what we hear.


This non-physical sense is the toughest one to learn to trust. It’s like a thought that drops in your mind, and you don’t know how you know, you just know that you know it.

If someone asks you to explain it, you can’t, and this where the challenge lies. There is usually no internal sensation that comes with the thought, and no external reason for you to have it.

Now that I’ve introduced you to your ‘extra’ senses, here’s what you need to do to discover which of your intuitive senses is the strongest.

Do just one thing. Start paying attention

This sounds so simple, but it’s not easy. In the same way that we don’t process much of the information that comes to us through our physical senses, we would have to make an effort to notice the input we are receiving from our ‘clairs’.

Start with a low-stress approach. Make a note of the hits when you get them. You don’t have to act on them, simply jot them down and see how things play out later. Identify how the signal came to you: your feeling, your hearing, your sight, or a thought in your mind.

Over time, you discover you’re aware of one signal more often than the others. This is your strongest intuitive sense, and focusing on what comes in on this channel will reinforce the connection.

This builds your confidence and helps you learn to trust your non-physical senses in the same way you do your physical ones. With time, and patience, you can learn to work with both your physical and intuitive senses.

Here’s the summary of what we’ve learned:

We learned intuition is not woo-woo or scary. In fact, it’s a natural part of our makeup and we are hard-wired to receive information in this way.

  1. There is no On/Off switch with our intuition. Our intuition is always ‘On’, the volume is just turned down. We can learn how to turn the volume up by paying more attention to the intuitive signals we receive every day.

  2. “Clair-” means “clear”, and we have a non-physical sense for each of our physical ones. We learned there is more than one way we receive intuitive input, just like there is more than one way information comes to us through our physical senses.

  3. We usually have one intuitive sense that’s stronger than the others. When we start identifying how we get our hits, we see patterns, and learn which sense is the strongest. We can build our confidence by keeping track of our intuitive experiences.

Intuitive perception is part of who you are.

All original material posted to this site is (c)2020, DLHT, JuliaMarie. All rights reserved. Personal sharing with others or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: https://www.juliamarie.us/


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