6 Simple Ways to Connect with Your Intuition

One of the questions I hear most often from people just beginning to explore their intuitive side is: “What can I do to get started?”

Here is a list of 6 simple things you can do today to help you connect with your intuition. These hints build upon each other, but the most important thing to do is to start building that habit!

1. Same place every day

Sounds easy enough, right? Consistency is a critical key to your success, especially when starting to build a connection to your intuition.

Find a place in your living space that is quiet and where you can be undisturbed for the time you set aside to be still.

It’s best if there are no distractions. Leave your cell phone and other electronics outside this space. It doesn’t have to be an entire room, just a dedicated space you’ve set aside for your time with Spirit.

If it’s a chair in a corner of your bedroom, don’t use that chair for a clothes rack. It’s only for your time in silence. It helps to have a small table to hold your journal and pen.

2. Same time every day

Treat the time you’ve designated to connect with your intuition as a standing appointment. Start with just 15 minutes if your schedule is really busy. Certainly you can get up 15 minutes earlier to fit this in.

Regardless of how busy or hectic your life may be, there are ways to filter out the distractions and make room in your life so you can hear your inner voice, the voice of your intuition.

The more you can connect with your true nature, the more you can be guided to the things that will bring you more joy, progress and peace into your life.

You might be asking yourself why the same time, same place structure is helpful.

When you sit in the same place, at the same time and with the same intention, the spiritual energy concentrates in that spot, and your ability to connect gets easier over time. Eventually, you will be able to stay linked up and aware of your intuitive input even when you are not sitting in this spot.

But you have to start somewhere. Start here.

3. Detach from your Tech to improve your intuitive connection

I’m not saying for forever, but when you move away from mindlessly surfing the internet, you suddenly have more time.

Take that extra time to work on something that will give you an advantage in your waking life. Work on learning how your unique connection to the Universal internet functions.

Yes, you do have instant access to unlimited information, you just need to learn how to make that connection.

4. Write it down

Writing naturally slows the brain down. Keeping a record of your response to being quiet on a regular basis will increase your self-awareness.

Making a list, or writing about the resistance you may feel when sitting quietly, is boring for your normally busy mind, and often it will check out. When the conscious mind lets go of the steering wheel of the mind, the door is opened for the subconscious mind to step forward and speak words of wisdom into the space you’ve created.

If you have any insights while sitting in the silence, record them in your journal. Do the same with any random thoughts, impressions, and dreams you have.

5. Read and reflect will help build your intuitive connection

Here is an exercise you can do during your quiet time:

Find a book of spiritual quotes or writing that is designed to expand your consciousness. Choose ancient or contemporary writings.

Set an intention to receive guidance about your spiritual path or purpose. While holding that intention in your mind, close your eyes, take a breath or two, and open the book to a random page.

With your eyes still closed, place your finger on the page. Open your eyes, and read the sentence closest to your finger, knowing that you will get an insight about your spiritual path or purpose from that sentence.

Write it in your journal, then spend at least 15 minutes contemplating the words. Record any impressions that you have, and pay attention to any feelings or sensations you notice in your body in response to the quote.

When you are finished with the exercise, send gratitude to your higher wisdom for the message.

6. Make small, but critical, adjustments

Every time you decide to spend time with your higher self instead of with your smart phone, you are choosing a more conscious life.

Each step you take will take you one step closer to living a deeper, richer, more spiritually connected life. And you don’t have to give up all your material comforts to achieve this.

Reduce or eliminate those tasks and habits that bring your vibration down. You may find that – especially if you are serious about the spiritual side, the intuitive side of your life – you feel the need to move on to a new set of friends or activities.

Let go of the things and people that drain your energy and take up your precious time and embrace the potential of the new choices you are making for yourself.

It may take some time, but practicing in this way on a regular basis can train you to pay more attention to your intuition and give you the confidence to follow that guidance. This has the potential to lead you towards a more positive, productive, passion-filled life.

Summary of what we learned:

1. It’s not hard to strengthen your connection to your intution.

2. Consistency is important. Same place, same time builds the energy and makes the connecting easier for me.

3. It’s important to write about the experiences while sitting in my spot.

4. Put the smart phone away, at least for a few hours a day.

5. Make small adjustments, and choose people and activities that uplift and support you.

If you are curious about intuition, check out the introductory class offered here: https://www.juliamarie.us/ Intro to Intuition: Just the Basics.

I teach sensitive women and men who think they are intuitive how to live a more intuition-guided life. Classes and private mentoring available.

(c)2002-2021 DLHT, Julia Marie. All Rights Reserved. Personal sharing with others or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: https://www.juliamarie.us/


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