What is my Spiritual Path?

One of the most often asked questions I hear when doing readings is: What is my spiritual path? The answer is the same for every person: Your life is your spiritual path. The two are not separate.

Your Soul knows.

Whether you understand it at your personality level or not, your Soul knows your purpose, your mission, your reason for incarnating on this planet at this time.

Our little minds want to categorize and separate and label things. It’s how the brain works. We clump similar things together, and most of our responses to situations area based on the lightning fast decisions made by the brain. We live most of our lives on autopilot.

How you experience your physical existence is your spiritual path.

We feel as if our daily life and our spiritual path are two separate things. They are not. Our brains do not have a context or a category to dump the spiritual experiences into, especially if we experience an awakening.

Our conscious mind concludes this spiritual stuff must be something different from our ‘regular’ life. We often fall back into our familiar habit patterns. We leave behind the experiences we could not find a context for in our lives.

Tragically, we miss an incredible opportunity to step in to our greater Awareness and live our lives from a place of expanded perspective.

Your life path contains your Soul lessons.

How we live our lives is the lesson. We have a tendency to want it all, and to want it now. We forget our physical brains are limited in their capacity to properly integrate and categorize all that there is to be known.

I used to insist on complete understanding when I had my Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) in the 1990s. I quickly learned it is not possible for me to have complete understanding at my personality level.

My little self doesn’t have the capacity to understand what my Greater Self, my Soul, knows. And that’s not the purpose of my human aspect, after all.

Our spiritual path is to live to the limits of our understanding.

This is the hardest part of walking our path home to Spirit. It requires discipline and our commitment to be honest with ourselves, especially when it’s not easy.

When we put out the desire to the Universe that we want to learn the truth of who we really are, our Soul will help us by giving us the gift of showing us all we are not.

We must be willing to look at, and work through, all these things that are not our Authentic Self so we can uncover the diamond that is our bright, shining Spirit.

There are no mistakes, only lessons.

You are perfect just the way you are, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. You have come into incarnation to learn and grow as Soul at a pivotal time in the unfolding of the Universe.

It’s an incredible opportunity to take a quantum leap in your growth as Soul. Take advantage of it.

There’s a part of every living thing that wants to become itself, the tadpole into the frog, the chrysalis into the butterfly, a damaged human being into a whole one. That is spirituality. ~ Ellen Bass

(c)2002-2021 – DLHT, Julia Marie. All rights reserved. Personal sharing with others or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: https://ww.juliamarie.us/


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