More than once I felt the presence of a Master working with you, guiding and assisting.

I was strongly guided to you and your healing technique. You created a safe sanctuary to allow very deep energetic work to flow. The tones of your voice, the low sound and power it released brought me to a state of acceptance of renewal. Sometimes I could hear and feel the power and sometimes I was deep in my own vision.

My chakra system was completely replaced and set to a new vibration. I was very aware of this happening, and yet could not tell you how it was happening. More than once I felt the presence of a Master working with you, guiding and assisting. Yet you always retained your presence and focus no matter what was happening around us. I lost all sense of time and place and simply allowed what needed to be.

Afterward, my body, mind and spirit took a while to integrate all the changes. Since your healing work, I have experienced a lot of realizations. My work has greater clarity. I am sleeping better as well.

Thank you, Julia. I so appreciate you and your gifts.

~Beth T., Texas, March 2006

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