2021: The Year of Acceleration

The quiet isolation of 2020 gave way to high-speed change

So, how much change can a person handle? Although it sounds like a rhetorical question, it’s not. The energy of change is taking all of us on some incredible rides these days.

Many of us are at a place in our lives where we are uncertain about what comes next.

If you are feeling like you are some kind of flighty flitterer, bouncing from one thing to another without any (apparent) path or direction, I understand. If you are feeling stuck at a crossroads unable to make the ‘right’ choice, paralyzed by indecision, I get it. Been there, done that. Wore out the T-shirt.

If you’ve been feeling like you must be turning into one of the most irresponsible people you know, then read on.

What is up with this?

There are planets doing their thing in the sky, and that’s beyond the scope of this article. Google it if you want to know more about the astrology behind the incoming waves of energy bringing massive change to our world at this time.

If you are starting and stopping, changing horses in the middle of the stream, or just plain changing your mind about what you want to do with your life know that it could actually be you, doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. You are doing what comes next.

I say all this with one caveat: you are carefully listening to, and then following, the guidance you are getting from your higher guidance, guides and angels. You are taking the time within to be still, to go within. In the silence, you are gaining understanding about that the next thing is for you.

I encourage you to devote all your energy and focus to whatever you are drawn to, but don’t be too hard on yourself when the path takes a sudden shift. Just reorient yourself, and do what presents itself next.

It will be over before you know it

This year will fly by so fast, you will be left behind if you don’t keep moving forward, taking steps towards your goal. If you haven’t established a solid goal for this year that you are using as your touchstone, it’s not too late to do that now.

Pick an area of your life where you want to make some solid progress this year. Physical, emotional, spiritual. Just choose one.

When you have it, write it down and post it somewhere where you can see it every day. Do something each day that will move you down the road in the direction of your dreams.

Dream big. This is the year to make them come true. Work hard now. You can rest later.

If you want some help figuring out which actions hold the greatest potential for you at this time, consider scheduling a reading with me at www.juliamarie.us.

(c) 2002-2021, DLHT/Julia Marie. All rights reserved. Personal sharing or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: https://www.juliamarie.us/


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